Strategic Planning (pdf)
The next Strategic Planning meeting is February 13 at 6 pm. RSVP here.

Box Tops
The Box Tops program is changing! Now use the Box Tops mobile app to scan your store receipt within 14 days of purchase. Download the App "Box Tops for Education" and start using it today! --- ¡El programa Box Tops está cambiando! Ahora usa la aplicación móvil Box Tops para escanear el recibo de tu tienda dentro de los 14 días posteriores a la compra. Descargar la aplicación "Box Tops for Education" y empezar a usarlo hoy!
Free Lasagna Delivery ~ Entrega de Lasaña Gratis
If you or someone you know are in need of a meal for your family, please see the message below and attached flyers in English and Spanish. ~ Si usted o alguien que conoce necesita una comida para su familia, consulte el mensaje a continuación y los volantes adjuntos en inglés y español.
Preschool & Kindergarten Registration
Our Preschool and Kindergarten Registration is open. Please see attached information regarding our 3 & 4 year old preschool program. Any eligible families can call the main office for more information 732-775-4413. Spread the word to your neighbors and friends in the Bradley Beach community. -----
Nuestro registro de preescolar y kindergarten está abierto. Consulte la información adjunta sobre nuestro programa preescolar de 3 y 4 años. Cualquier familia elegible puede llamar a la oficina principal para obtener más información 732-775-4413. Haga correr la voz a sus vecinos y amigos en la comunidad de Bradley Beach.
Rockalingua Summer Spanish Camp
Rockalingua Summer camp for kids will upload new classes Mondays and Thursdays at 10:00 AM. Anyone can access the classes anytime after the videos go live so no worries if that time does not work for you. Kids can watch them anytime!
You can also login using your school login information and have access to all activities, games and songs through the summer!
BB Library Children's Area is Now Open!
The Children's area of the Bradley Beach Library is now open for book browsing, and families are invited to check out materials. The bottom floor will be closed May 17-25 for repairs.
"Don't Worry, Be Happy"
So proud of all my students for their hard work this past year, staying positive and progressive through all of the challenges and changes we've faced. I hope this video brings smiles and hope to everyone who watches! - Mr. LeProtto
Bradley Youth & Community Club - Upcoming Events (pdf)
* Art with Lisa Bagwell - Tuesday, June 22nd 5 pm 5th Ave Gazebo
- One Beach One Read - Thursday, June 24th 5:30 pm 5th Ave Gazebo
BBES Yearbook
The 2020-2021 BBES yearbook is available for sale! Reserve your copy for $15 by May 14th.
STC Arbor Day - April 30th @ 5:30 pm
The new Bradley Beach Shade Tree Commission is pleased to announce its first official Tree dedication in honor of Arbor Day. Mayor Larry Fox will ceremoniously sign an Arbor Day proclamation in a public event as we dedicate this Arbor Day tree to the graduating class of BBES and the future greening of our community. Please join us for this special event on April 30th at 5:30 pm.
Earth Day Contest & Survey
Earth Day is April 22nd! Let's help make the world a greener place! Enter the contest to show how you make the world a greener place and complete the survey on sustainability.
STC Arbor Day - April 30th @ 5:30 pm (pdf)
The new Bradley Beach Shade Tree Commission is pleased to announce its first official Tree dedication in honor of Arbor Day. Mayor Larry Fox will ceremoniously sign an Arbor Day proclamation in a public event as we dedicate this Arbor Day tree to the graduating class of BBES and the future greening of our community. Please join us for this special event on April 30th at 5:30 pm.
Report Cards Available on Genesis
Do you need help accessing your child's report card online? Click "More..." to fill out a Parent Tech Help request. ~ ¿Necesita ayuda para acceder a la boleta de calificaciones de su hijo? Haga clic en "More ..." para completar una solicitud de ayuda técnica para padres.
Sign Up for Parent Teacher Conferences (Grades 5-8) | Elige Hora Para Cita de Conferencias (Grados 5 - 8)
Family Information Night for Title I and ELL Students ~ Noche de Información Familiar para Estudiantes de Título I y ELL

Read Across America Spirit Week (pdf)
February 28th - March 4th * The HOUSE with the most spirit will earn the biggest point run!