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Gifted & Talented


At Bradley Beach Elementary School (BBES), our ongoing commitment is to provide all our students with the finest educational opportunities. A significant aspect of this endeavor is our Gifted and Talented (G&T) Program, which is specifically designed to cater to students showcasing advanced abilities. This program not only recognizes their talents but also ensures they receive specialized educational opportunities and enrichment tailored to their needs.

The New Jersey Administrative Code (N.J.A.C.) Title 6A, Chapter 8 defines "gifted and talented students" as those who "possess or demonstrate high levels of ability in one or more content areas when compared to their chronological peers.” The primary objective of this identification is to ensure that these students receive programming and services tailored to their specific learning needs and potential. It's important to acknowledge that within every school setting, there are students whose abilities necessitate modifications to the general education curriculum for them to fully achieve in line with their capabilities. By discerning a student's intellectual ability, creativity, or specific academic aptitudes, we pinpoint the necessity for specialized programming and services that extend beyond the standard curriculum.


Continuum of Services

Students in grades k-8 identified as gifted and talented participate in a pull-out gifted and talented during the 6-day cycle.

Students in grades 6 and 7 identified as being gifted and talented within the domain of mathematics are placed in accelerated math courses, which operate at a faster pace and dive deeper into the material. Students in grade 8 identified as being gifted and talented within the domain of mathematics are placed in Algebra I, rather than grade 8 mathematics.


Identification Process

Criteria of Eligibility

The Bradley Beach School District has multiple measures in place to identify students who are eligible for gifted & talented services. These measures include:

  • Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test (NNAT3)
  • NJSLA scores
  • i-Ready assessment scores
  • DRA scores
  • Teacher survey
  • Parent referral


The NNAT3 is a nonverbal measure of general ability that yields a norm-based score, helpful in identifying students with the potential for advanced scholastic achievement. The NNAT3 provides a nonverbal, culturally neutral assessment of general ability that is ideal for use with a diverse student population. The test features pictorial direction and requires no spoken or written language. The NNAT3 is a measure of a student’s cognitive ability. A student need not read, write, or speak English in order to take part in the test. The NNAT3 is not a measure of classroom performance and is not correlated to the standards and content of focus in a student’s current grade level. It is possible that a student will achieve a high NNAT3 percentile score, yet score differently on tools that measure academic achievement.

Sample Questions:


Parents/guardians may complete a referral form if they believe their child is performing well above grade level and would like their child’s achievement and performance to be reevaluated to determine eligibility for these services.




Collect and analyze:

  • Spring & Fall i-Ready assessment scores for Reading and Math
  • Spring & Fall DRA scores
  • NNAT3 data
  • NJSLA scores
  • Teacher survey
  • Parent nominations


  • Finalize Gifted and Talented student list
  • Send information/permission slip about the program to Gifted and Talented students' parents/guardians
  • Finalize Gifted and Talented schedule
  • Begin Gifted and Talented program


Complaint Process

An individual who believes that a school district has not complied with the provisions of the Act may file a complaint with the Bradley Beach Board of Education. The Board shall issue a decision, in writing, to affirm, reject, or modify the district’s action in the matter.

An individual who is still in disagreement with the Bradley Beach Board of Education's written decision has the ability to file a petition of appeal to the Commissioner of Education through the Office of Controversies and Disputes in accordance with N.J.S.18A:6-9 and the procedures set forth in State Board of Education regulations.


Appeal/Renomination Form

Please direct all questions to Mrs. Morgan Maclearie-Gonzalez, Director of Curriculum & Instruction



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